Thursday, December 19, 2013

Hello, hello!

I've decided to start blogging about my infertility journey. I regret that I didn't start this years ago but, as is custom with infertility, you plan your life around getting pregnant, which you expect to happen anytime, and you put things off - because what point would there be in an infertility blog after you've conceived?! But before you know it, months and years of your life have disappeared. No more putting things off for me!

There are a couple reasons I'm embarking on this journey. One is to give a voice to infertility and let women know they're not alone. Infertility is a taboo subject with a lot of shame attached. There is power and freedom in breaking the silence and sharing our stories. I don't believe people go through things only to keep it to themselves.

Another reason is that expressing myself in writing is my preferred outlet. And after 10 years, I need that. I believe this, along with connecting with others like me, will help me navigate where I'm currently at on the journey. I have no intention of sugar-coating anything (surprise, surprise!) - that would be pointless.  The only way to heal and be helpful to others is to be completely honest.

I hope that you will stay along for the ride even if you aren't personally dealing with this because chances are, someone you know is or will be.  I can assure it's unlike anything you've ever dealt with.  Saddle up & hold on tight!


  1. Welcome to blogging, Brytanie. I hope you find writing about this as rewarding and enlightening as I have. Good luck!

  2. dear Brytanie,
    welcome to the blogging world! It is always lovely to find a new blog.
    lots of love from Europe!

  3. Thank you, Mali & Klara! I look forward to connecting with you both (& others) and sharing the experiences of this journey with people who understand!
